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(links)-> (Parent)->Firefox hacks , plugins and extentions |
submited by Russell Thu 01 Dec 05 Edited Thu 28 Dec 06 |
- Bugmenot plugin Direct link to the bugmenot extention
- Greasemonkey
- Tabbrowser Preferences Gives you a lot of optons on the firefox tabs. I need this to get the "new tab" button to appear at the left of the tab bar.
Make Firefox 1.0 Extentions work with 1.5
- Session saver (firefox 1.5 version)
- Cacheout converts links in to cache calls, (good for slashdotted/digg dotted sights.)
- fasterfox does cache prefetching, improves up your preceived speed
search status displays search ranking data.
- >Fun with Firefox Chrome URLs (hacks to the UI of firefox)
IE tab displays pages in IE format. This is useful when a site uses IE only code. Documentation is sparce, but once you figure it out, it it's easy. To add a site, go to tools menu, select extentions, then scrool down to "IE tab", then click options. and add the site you need to add for IE rendering. THIS PROBABABLY IS NOT 100% SAFE, as it uses IE's rendering engine
-'s list of top firefox extentions I find it irritateing that for download it makes you go thought their ad laden pages, instead of linking to the original.. Two schools of thought on this. I guess it reduces bandwith needs to the developer, but it also denys the visitor the install notes that the developer may have intended that you see. As well as any info on the latests version. If I see something that looks interesting, I then go to Mozzalla/Firefox Addins and look fot the extention by name. This also means that you won't have to add a new site to the "permitions to install" when you want to install the plugin.
X-Ray Extension for Firefox shows formating tags in the document ( in hopes to avoid needing to do a view source) cute, but not all that useful. I'd like to see something that would parse the embed tag automaticly so I can access a movie even if it thinks I don't have the right plugin.
- FlashBlock
Starts all flash apps on a web page in a disabled state. You click to start only the ones you want to run. this is really nice on annoying webpages that have 25 flash adds on them.
- 50 Best Firefox Extensions for Power Surfing []
How to create Firefox extensions
10 Useful Firefox Extensions That Don't Get Glamorized
MediaPlayerConnectivity A tool that manages media players. I like it because it can get around websites that think you must have a certan version of a media player to play a video ( most often this isn't true) It does not work as magicly under linux as it does windows.
- About the Firefox memory leak Contains settings to use to reduce the memory used by firefox. I must try this at home, where my system crawls when firefox is running. ( probably beacause I don't have enough memory)
Firefox Extension Development Tutorial
Dive into Greasemonkey Learn how to write Greasemonkey scripts
View Rendered Source v2 a nice tool that gives you a shayded and nested view of html objects (tables, divs, spans, etc)
Send tools A plugin for thunderbird that lets you set a time in the future for mail to acutaly be sent. ( send delay) I have had some problems with this plugin.
- refreshblocker disables websites that use meta-refresh tags to relocate you to another page.