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(catalina22)-> raising the mast on a catalina 22 submited by Russell Mon 19 Sep 05
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So I've gotten a couple of web hits on the phrase "raising the mast on a Catalina 22" and since I know how to do this, I though it might be useful to provide the answer.

I'll add to this with photos, shortly but in the mean time, if you need help, reply to this, and I'll see what I can do.

The Catalina 22 Mast is held up with 8 shrouds. I probably don't know the proper names but I'll do my best. Four go to the top of the Mast the Forestay, Backstay and the Port and starboard outer upper stays. The other four go to the base of the spreader securing the middle the mast and attaching to the boat in front and in back of the upper port+starbard stays.

I normally raise and Lower my mast by loosening all the stays about 1 to 1.5 inches and then removing Only the forestay and the two lower forward stays.

Before you can proceed you must prepare the area. Remove the boom and mainsail. I don’t have a roller-furling jib, but if I did, I would remove it before lowering the mast.

To Lower the mast
The cockpit must be clear of debris because somebody must stand there. This is a two-person procedure. I do not believe this can be done with only one person. Even if you had winches rigged to handle the load, you need two people to attach/detach the base of the mast to the boat. Only if the mast had a stub foot to enable it to lie down will still attached to the boat would it be possible with one person. (this may exist on newer or smaller boats)

Loosen all the stays about an inch or an inch and a half. You need room to work with. You cannot skip this step. You may be able to get the mast down, but when you go to put it back you will have troubles.
  • Close the cabin top ( it must be aft to keep out of your way)
  • Then unhook the two forward lower stays.
  • attach a line to the forestay above the turnbuckle. I have a large eyelet that I can pass a 1/4" line though. If you have factory rigging, you may need another method to attach a line. You could possibly use the jib halyard, but it would need to be extended.
  • get your buddy ready in the cockpit. (Make sure he/she is paying attention)
  • remove the forestay from the bow, pulling down during the process. (Keeping the mast up)
  • Use the rope tied to the forestay to lower the mast as slowly as you can, to your buddy standing in the cockpit.
  • Buddy must Hold the weight of the mast (Be sure they were prepared for this, it's not impossible,but they can't do it forever)
  • While your buddy holds the mast off the deck you remove the pin from the base of the mast. (BE CARFUL the base of the mast will jump when you remove the pin)
  • Then the two of you move the mast forward and set it down.
  • Secure all the pieces, you can re-attach the shrouds you removed, but at least put them back together ( putting pins and retaining wires back in them , you do NOT want to lose these. ) I also use duct tape to secure all the lines in place.
  • Turnbuckles can unwind them selves on long road trips, so take extra care that all of these are secured as well.
Razing the mast

It's mostly the same procedure reversed. With a couple of checks. If this is the beginning of the season, you should check (days or weeks before when you have time to get parts) that all the pieces are present and do not show any sign of ware. If the Crimp points are taped, remove the tape to inspect them ( I had a shroud break violently AT sea , bringing the mast down catastrophically and I believe that I might have seen the weak point before hand if I had removed tape and inspected the joint. )
  • Clear the area ( people need to walk in the cockpit)
  • remove the tape and release the three forward shrouds. (if you reattached them)
  • follow each line from the mast to the deck, make sure nothing is twisted, knotted or kinked.
  • Be sure the aft stay is not twisted or fouled. ( this is most common, sometimes it catches on the rudder or the stern cleats. Watch this one most closely)
  • If you didn’t losen them all going down, do this now.
  • Close the cabin hatch (as far aft as it will go)
  • attach a line to the forestay, ( double check that it isn’t fouled)
  • Both of you Move the mast aft until the base of the mast is lined up with the mast step. Here again, your buddy must hold the mast up while you insert the pin into the base of the mast.
  • As soon as you have the pin in, take the weight from your buddy by pulling the line tied to the forestay.
  • With the outer two upper stays still attached the mast should raise fairly straightly.
  • With the lower two aft stays and the aft stay attached the mast should stop moving when you get it vertical. Keep pulling when you get it there.
  • Your buddy moves from the cockpit to the cabin top where he/she stands on the cabin top and leans on the mast to hold it in place.
  • while he/she holds the mast you attach the forestay.
  • When you have attached the front, you can tell them to stop pushing on the mast. If you can’t get it the bow attached, YOU hold the mast up while they loosen the three aft ward stays (and you curse yourself for not doing this in the first place)
  • Attach the two lower forward stays.
  • Go around and tighten all the stays. Do this a little bit on each turnbuckle at a time. Keep checking the port/starboard lean and bend of the mast, as well as the for/aft bend and lean. If the mast is bent, adjust the lower shrouds. If the mast leans adjust the lowers and the uppers. Do not make them as tight as you can. This just puts extra stress on the system. They should be snug at rest and it its normal for the downwind lines to be slack under sail. (Don’t forget that the boat flexes and bends under stress, if you had them all so tight that the downwind ones were tight the upwind ones would be under much more tension than needed) You don’t want to hear high C when you hit these things.
  • tighten all the locking nuts if you have that type of turnbuckle. Put pins in them if you have that kind.
  • tape up any sharp points so they do not catch on the jib/Genoa sheets.
  • If the boat is going to be in the water (rocking) for a long time ( like all season) Inspect All the turnbuckles and rigging the next day to be sure nothing has come loose.
  • Install boom, mainsail and Have fun sailing.
