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(linux_command_line)-> QEMU open source processor emulator submited by Russell Thu 16 Jun 05
Edited Tue 24 Nov 09
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QEMU: a generic and open source processor emulator I want to install this and see how it compares to vmware.
Qemu Quickstart Guide

OK I did install it , and it works pretty well.
A few things I noticed:
  • I can't seem to get it to boot from a phyisical CDROM
  • if you use an iso image file to boot it from , this image file must be in the current directory. (I guess it doens't like paths to files, personaly that strikes me as a very "DOS" (disk operating system) attiude.
  • Perfomance is quite good. I installed the precompiled binaries, I am not sure if they contain the proprietary QEMU Accelerator Module.

OK, I wasn't running the Accelerator Module. I folowed the instructions to build from source with the package included and while it compiled fine I got this error at startup:
Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated
I googled on that exact error message and found here that you must also load the kernal module:(as root)
modprobe kqemu
And the result is quite impressive.
Recent versions of qemu + the accerator> have a problem with lost interupts The fix seems to be to add the option -no-acpi
this appears to have started to appear with qemu changes after 0.8.1
I don't need this option to start the same sessions on a Pentium4 box with a newer kernel, so it's either CPU or kernel related.

Dec 12,2008
Found a solution to a problem here Running qemu on a x86_64 was not giving me kqemu support, the trick is to use the command qemu-system-x86_64 to start the emulator instead of just qemu. with this , I get kernal module (kqemu) support. to check , from the consol (ctrl-alt-2) enter 'info kqemu' , it should reply
kqemu support: enabled for user code
I had to re-compile from the tarbal source just to discover that the FC10 rpm had this support compiled in, so long as I start if from qemu-system-x86_64. I can solve this by use of a symlink, but I consider this a bug.
(kqemu isn't part of the standard fedora, but it is in rpmfusion , install that then yum install kqemu )

Nov 24,2009
Finally, using a newer install disk for windows XP, I got it working under qemu. (it seems the old beta disk I had was unable to update to a modern version of windows xp) Still, I kinda view the guest windows os as kinda of a caged animal that I don't dare give too much freedom. (lord knows what might happen)

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