#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "loading...
\n"; ##sleep(3); $DONE=(1==2); `wget -q -O hex http://www.hq.nasa.gov/osf/station/viewing/p.html`; print "returned from call
\n"; open(IN,"cat hex | grep -A100 Poughkeepsie|"); do { $line=; $line=~s/\n//; ($data,$command)=split(///g; $command=uc($command); if ($command eq "TD") {##print "new colum\n"; $x=0; } if ($command eq "BR") {$x++; $ROW[$x]=$ROW[$x]." ".$data; } ($t1,$t2)=split(/ /,$command); if ($t1 eq "TR") {$DONE=(1==1);} } until ((eof(IN))||$DONE); print"Date Time from/to lenght max altitude
\n"; for ($n=1;$n<=@ROW;$n++) { print "$ROW[$n]
\n"; } print q! I'm getting this data from NASA I'm not clamiming that's my data, nor anything like that. I just reformatted it so that I could cut and paste the text. ( formating on the NASA site dosn't work well for copying). !;